
ul. Półłanki 25
30-740 Kraków
Tel.: +48 12 651 09 00
Fax: +48 12 651 09 05
e-mail: kzntalegria@kzn.pl



The principal goal of the operations of KZN&TALEGRIA Sp. z o.o. is provision of technically advanced surface solutions for the High-Speed Railway system. The company is a mutual venture of Kolejowe Zakłady Nawierzchniowe “Bieżanów” and one of the leading producers of railway surfaces on the Spanish railway market – Talleres Alegria s.a. The effective combination of experiences of the two entities is expected to bring about success on a country, region and worldwide scale. The goal of operations of the company is innovative yet technically proven railway infrastructure. Emphasis is especially placed on advanced constructions of railway turnouts and turnout elements dedicated for train traffic at speeds of 250 km/h and higher. Modern technical solutions will be successively implemented by the company with consideration to the actual needs of the key clients – infrastructure managers and entities carrying out investments on HSP lines. This particularly concerns high standards of quality, reliability and safety.

The company will benefit from the experience and know-how of the principal shareholders. Thanks to this the company will have access to innovations implemented within Polish market by KZN “Bieżanów”, e.g. bainitic cast steel used for frogs and other elements of turnouts, as well as for the technology of a frog with a movable nose and the fully monitored process of the re-forging of blades of switches, which are the capital brought in by the company Talleres Alegria. The new company proposes definite and ready solutions, such as an Rz60E1-1200-1:18.5 railway turnout dedicated for a speed of 250 km/h, with a movable nose frog, which was presented at the TRAKO 2013 fairs.