Germany: reorganisation of trading activities in KZN Bieżanów Group
The new KZN Bahntechnik GmbH company, with its offices in Braunschweig, will distribute and sell KZN Bieżanów products on German and international markets. Reorganisation of the current trading model of the holding is to improve efficiency and enable rapid expansion.
“The current distribution model of our products has expired. We have been using a company that we co-owned, which reduced our influence on the policy and strategy. That is why we have decided to establish a brand new business that we are the sole owners of,” says Ryszard Leszczyński, Chairman of the Board of KZN “Bieżanów”.
The new company, named KZN Bahntechnik, will enable KZN Bieżanów Group to find new business more efficiently. The strength of the new company will arise mainly from its experienced personnel, headed by the Chairman, Mr. Bern Müller, who has worked for many years in the German rail surface industry. Also, a spare parts warehouse has been established in Germany to enable quick response and delivery of the necessary products to the trading partners.
The management of KZN Bieżanów Group have set very specific goals for the new company for the upcoming months – to significantly improve the presence of KZN’s rail surface products and services on the German and international markets.
“Although the new company is still on the stage of reorganisation, its potential is already clearly visible. In less than a month, they have secured some rather large contracts,” says Jacek Paś, Board Member and Technology & Development Director at KZN Bieżanów. “Given the number of specific inquiries and advanced negotiations, I think it is safe to say that the new company will gain a serious position on the Western European markets,” summarises Mr. Paś.