KZN: Switcher a hit at TRAKO 2015

Dozens of spectators at Switcher demonstrations, the first prize in the prestigious Ernest Malinowski Memorial Contest, the Railway Market Locomotive award, visits of ministers and ambassadors, the banquet celebrating the 70th anniversary of the KZN brand – for KZN “Bieżanów”, the recently ended TRAKO 2015 trade fair was truly a special time.

“The business goals that we had established before the trade fair, were all achieved and exceeded. The interest in our standard offer and logistics technology, the core of which is the Switcher specialised tipping train car, shows that improving the quality of our products, and developing and implementing innovative solutions has profound economic sense,” says Ryszard Leszczyński, Chairman of KZN “Bieżanów” of the recently ended TRAKO 2015 trade fair.

The Yellow Transformer

DSC_0331The Switcher specialised tipping train car, which is the core of the Innovative technology of manufacturing and incorporation of high-quality railroad turnouts, was an absolute smash of the trade fair. The Switcher attracted a lot of attention on the rail siding. Firstly, it was the only specialised cargo train car. Secondly, its hulking appearance certainly made an impression, especially with the supports and cranes all sprawled out. Thirdly, the demonstrations of loading and unloading of the turnout block were a spectacular proof of the Switcher’s capabilities. “The attendance figures at the demonstrations exceeded our wildest expectations, with each one attracting hundreds of spectators observing the loading and unloading process not only around the train car, but also from the platform and the platforms leading to other exhibits,” emphasises Magda Kamińska, Head of the Research & Development Office. “We are very happy with the visitors’ interest also after the demonstrations, as many people would ask some very insightful and specific questions. This shows that the interest in our technology has a very solid, businesslike aspect,” points out Ms. Kamińska, who was responsible for the demonstrations in Gdansk.

The interest in the innovative product is clearly visible also in the distribution of promotional materials – over 4 thousand brochures taken, and keen interest in the films and animations displayed on numerous screens on the KZN’s stand. “Our successful promotional campaign is already translating into inquiries on transport and incorporation services provided by KZN with the use of Switcher-class train cars, as well as on the availability of the train cars or whole units for sale,” discloses Jacek Paś, Board Member and Development Director at KZN “Bieżanów”

Effect and efficiency

IMG_0593Also the stand design played its role well, attracting visitors with an impressive structure and live colours at the entrance to hall B. “It was teeming with life throughout the fair, serving as the perfect venue for meetings. According to statistics, 50% more people visited our stand this year than 2 years ago,” says Remigiusz Tytuła, the Board Representative for Communications at KZN “Bieżanów”. “There were some very special moments, though,” he adds.

One of those moments was the banquet celebrating the 70th anniversary of the KZN brand, which gathered the company’s greatest friends in the industry and around it. “Today, this is the place where the heartbeat of the market can be heard. Let us enjoy each other’s company, because it’s those meetings that truly show as that there are brands and businesses you can always count on. The 70th anniversary of the brand, 10th anniversary of the Company and 5th anniversary of the Group shows that KZN is one of those durable pillars on which the entire structure of our entire industry,” Ryszard Leszczyński said during the official toast.

KZN’s importance for the rail infrastructure industry in Poland and in Europe was highlighted by the visits of Polish Vice-Minister of Economy, Mr Arkadiusz Bąk, and Vice-Minister of Infrastructure and Development, Mr Sławomir Żałobka, as well as Great Britain’s Deputy Director for Transport, Mr. Robin Groth, as well as the members of the diplomatic corps – the Hon. Robin Barnett, British Ambassador to Poland, the Hon. Ji-in Hong, South Korean Ambassador to Poland, and Ms. Cornelia Pieper and Mr. Peter Ush, the consuls of the Federal Republic of Germany in Poland.

Desired prizes

IMG_0585aKZN’s trade fair success is highlighted also by the prizes awarded to the company during TRAKO 2015. Especially the first prize for Infrastructure in the prestigious Ernest Malinowski Memorial Contest is of special importance. KZN “Bieżanów” received the Ernest Malinowski award for the Innovative technology of manufacturing and incorporation of high-quality railroad turnouts, the core of which is the Switcher specialised tipping train car. “The distinguishing feature of our system is the comprehensive approach to the entire process of manufacturing, logistics and incorporation of railroad turnouts. It allows us to radically improve the initial quality and streamline the process of incorporation of the key elements of railway infrastructure,” said Ryszard Leszczyński, Chairman of the Board of KZN “Bieżanów”, in his acceptance speech. “The innovative and unique part of our technology is the combination of the safe transport and unloading of the turnouts,” emphasised the KZN’s boss.

Also important is the Railway Market Locomotive award for the achievements in the combined fields of research and business, which resulted in the logistic system for transporting railroad turnouts with the specialised train car named the Switcher. “The award from “Rynek Kolejowy” monthly, a media cornerstone of our industry, gives me particular satisfaction. I believe we have been appreciated for what we have done this year, we have shown our broad, comprehensive and innovative approach to our products. Our logistic technology proves how much we are willing to do to ensure that our clients receive top quality products that will serve them for years,” said Remigiusz Tytuła in his acceptance speech.